Home Tidying Using the Marie Kondo Method

Home Tidying Using the Marie Kondo Method

Transform your living space with the Marie Kondo approach to home tidying. Discover the joy of a neat and tidy home by saying goodbye to clutter.

Coming home to a neat and tidy home can instantly boost your mood. If you’re looking to spring clean your homeand tackle all the clutter, why not adopt the Marie Kondo approach to tidying up your home?

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organising consultant, best known for her best-selling book “The Life-Changing Method of Tidying Up” and her Netflix show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”. Her philosophy, known as the KonMari method, focuses on decluttering and organising your stuff in a way that “sparks joy”.

Let’s explore the Marie Kondo method and how you can use its approach to achieve a joyful living space at home.

What is the KonMari philosophy?

Mindfulness lies at the core of the KonMari philosophy, which sees tidying not as a tedious chore but as a mindful. The key is to surround ourselves only with items that spark joy. By letting go of things which no longer have a use or purpose in our lives, you can create room for positivity and clarity. Indeed, decluttering will leave you in a better mental state.

What is the KonMari process?

The KonMari method of tidying and decluttering follows a specific order. It suggests that you start with clothing first as it’s easier to sort through, followed by books, papers, miscellaneous and lastly sentimental items.

First, gather everything in one spot to see the full extent of your belongings. Then, go through each item and ask yourself honestly whether the item “sparks joy”. If there’s no longer a connection with the item, you can thank it for its purpose and let go of it with gratitude.

The magic of tidying up according to the KonMari method

By applying the KonMari method, you’ll appreciate the pleasant physical environment of a decluttered and organised home. Coming back to a neat home can make a profound impact on your mental well-being. Living in a space only surrounded by things you cherish can reduce stress, leading to a more joyful life and puts you in a better mood.

Remember to designate specific places for your belongings to avoid clutter from accumulating. Make an effort to return items to your original spaces.

Embracing the Konmari philosophy

The Marie Kondo philosophy isn’t just about decluttering, but also about maintaining a clutter-free lifestyle. So, before you succumb to retail therapy, ask yourself whether the item you intend to purchase really brings you joy. Avoid impulse buying and be intentional about what you want to bring back to your home.


The Marie Kondo method is more than just a technique to organise your things. It’s also a transformative approach towards a life of contentment and joy. By mindfully tidying your home and only surrounding yourself with things that spark joy, you can create a home that is harmonious and peaceful.

Looking for help to clean your home? If you feel you don’t have the time to do so, leave it to the pros. We can help you with regular or ad-hoc home cleaning or even spring cleaning. Book a session with us now.

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